We don’t use exclamation points lightly, but we’re wicked excited to have been invited to participate in the Beacon Street December Pop-up! We’ll have a giant selection of design books from all over the world—including new, vintage, rare, and shabby-chic titles you won’t want to miss. And if buying things isn’t your thing, we’ll have a tiny exhibition of neat things to look at. All will be arranged in a safe and clean environment, and all state and local guidelines will be strictly adhered to with excruciating care. Mark your calendar and point your phone to the following address:

Beacon Street December Pop-up
108 Beacon Street
Somerville, MA 02143 [map]

Friday, December 11: 11a to 6p
Saturday, December 12: 11a to 6p
Sunday, December 13: noon to 5p